
Keurig Vue HouseParty

May 2, 2012
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another rainy day in South Florida….but it’s okay, since I am cleaning and then this afternoon I will be hosting my HouseParty Keurig Vue party!!!  A few years ago I was actively involved with HouseParty, then I stopped.  A few weeks ago I stopped by the site to see what parties they had planned and saw one for Keurig Vue.  I know tons of people who love their Keurig (especially my friends over on the Disboards!)  and wanted to get one, but it never happened, so hoping that I might get selected, I applied.  We are coffee and tea drinkers in my family, so this would definitely be used.  I received the package a few weeks ago and I couldn’t wait to host the party.

James and I went to BJs to buy some muffins and croissants to serve and I had previously purchased coffee creamers at Publix when they had their buy one get one free, and used a $1.00 off coupon they had.  So all we needed was our guests.

Unfortunately the heavy rains kept some of my guests away.  But those that did come LOVED the Vue and had a great time.  Even the kids had a good time and enjoyed the hot chocolate that was provided.  It seemed that the Donut Shop coffee was the favorite, while I loved that my coffee stayed hot even after I add milk and creamer.

I briefly thought about running, but in the rain?  Nah.  Instead, I settled in and watched Once Upon a Time – am loving this show!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Field trip time.  Ava’s school was going to Weather day at the new Marlins Stadium.  I was lucky enough to go as a chaperone.   Long and slow ride to the stadium during morning rush hour.  Well, more rain, so we knew that the roof would be closed, I hoped that it would stop and the sun would come out to see the roof retract, but that did not happen.  The stadium is very nice, however the sound system was poor – we hardly understood anything they were saying, so the children lost interest in the presentation.  Schools from all over South Florida were there and the noise level that these kids could make was unbelievable.  Yes, I did cover my ears a few times!  LOL!

The game was okay, the Marlins lost.  However they did score two homeruns, so we were able to see the home run celebration sculpture in action.  Not exactly my favorite sculpture – but the children liked it.

When we left, we walked down the ramps, but all the water was running as well and would puddle at the flat levels, so everyone had wet feet by the time we got to the bus.  Design flaw?  I don’t know, but with all the rain that we get here, someone should have thought about that.

It’s been way too long since I have been to a sporting event and I was mildly shocked at the prices.  $5 for a small bag of cotton candy, $4 for Cracker Jack, $10 for an individual pizza.  The children seemed to enjoy the field trip, and I was thankful to have been a part of it.

Yep, no running today, again.  Felt a little feverish, so by 8:15 I was in bed watching Dancing with the Stars, and honestly can’t tell you at what point I fell asleep.  I do remember listening to Jackie Evancho sing Ave Maria – WOW!  What a voice this little girl has!  Will probably end up purchasing some of her music – will help with those stressful days at work.


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