
A cooler day!

April 25, 2012
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After Sunday’s way too hot for me run – on Monday I decided to use the treadmill at the office gym, did 3.31 miles at at 12.01 pace – wish all my outdoor runs went so smoothly!

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in South Florida, so I used the gym at lunchtime to do some weights and then went out at 7 for a run around the block – 2.19 miles at 12.49 pace. I think the cool air helped, but my allergies were really bad, so it could have been a tad better.

Watched GLEE last night and really enjoyed that they are developing Joe’s character more.  Can’t wait to see more of him.

Have to start planning my Keurig Vue House Party details….most of it is done, but want to decide exactly what other items I will have available.  Downloaded some of the favors from the website, may even pick up some other prizes to give away with the Bingo game.  Can’t wait to try all the different coffees/teas!

Fanesca – Love My Mom!

April 13, 2012
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I emailed James early in the day letting him know that I wanted to run after work, so I offered to handle dinner, because when he cooks, we all have to be at the table at 6! I know he appreciates the break of having to handle dinner every night, mostly because he doesn’t know what to cook. 

Went to see Mom and Dad at lunchtime.  My mom had made Fanesca, an Ecuadorean soup that she only makes on Good Friday.  Only problem was that she had one too many visitors that day and they finished it before I was able to have some.  So my Mom made another batch just so that I can have some – gotta Love Mom!  I love this soup – it’s so rich and hearty, made with all kinds of beans and cod fish.  I see on the internet most pictures show white beans – my mom uses dark beans J  I had a huge bowl of this soup, which I thoroughly enjoyed, told Mom that my lunch had been more than I normally would eat all day, but since it is only once a year, didn’t even feel guilty. 

I received my box HouseParty for my Keurig Vue, so first thing I did was dig into my box.  So excited to have the party, now just have to wait. I will try it out this weekend and perhaps head over to Bed Bath and Beyond, as apparently they are the only ones that have the Vue cups. 

Dinner was Little Caesar’s pizza – we love the cheese pizza bread and the kids like having leftovers to snack on the following day.   Did my Thursday night run of 2.2 miles in 29.13.  My knee is bothering me a bit – seems like whenever I do the elliptical (which I did on Wednesday during lunchtime) it tends to bother me a bit.  I have K-Tape, but want to try a knee brace first. 

Participated in my first Twitter Party, it was for Tide, hosted by SheSpeaks.  It was interesting and fun, but boy did it move fast!  I haven’t been actively involved in Twitter and want to, so I jumped right in. I couldn’t really follow all the “hosts” so basically I was reading what others were tweeting, I guess a delayed response is better than no response at all.  A lot of retweeting, some questions that we had to answer, a few giveaways and an hour passed.  Will try to those more often. 

So I am looking for a new book to read and had heard or read somewhere about 50 Shades of Gray.  So off to Amazon to search for the book.  As I am reading the summary, it sounds very familiar.  So I Google it and find out that it was originally a Twilight Fan Fic!  Another Google search and it is one that I had read a couple of years ago.  I remember while reading it that if the characters hadn’t been Edward and Bella, I may not have read it, plus there were others on a discussion board who thought it was good, so I finished reading it.  I think if I had to pay for it, I may be a little disappointed with the writing.   


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